Thursday Baby Blogging 082108

We had a pediatrician appointment yesterday, at which it was declared that SteelyKid is in excellent health. She gained 8 ounces in the last week, or 1/16th of her weight (she was 8lbs even last week, and 8lbs 8oz this week). To put that in perspective, for me to make an equivalent change, I would need to gain more than 15 lbs in one week.

Here's this week's picture with Appa for scale (for the record, Appa is 23 inches from nose to tail):


We had put her in the "Smart Cookie" onesie that I picked up as a counter to all the frilly pink things we've been sent, but she spit up on it before I got to take the picture. C'est la vie.

(Suggestions of good sources of anti-frilly baby clothes are welcome in the comments...)

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This isn't so much cloths as it is a hat. But it isn't frilly and it is awesome.

By Michael Reagor (not verified) on 21 Aug 2008 #permalink

Non-frilly greatness would be Baby Legs. They're just stockings, but they come in lots of cool different patterns, and when you pair them with a onesie, the outfit is complete. My favorites are a Rainbow set and a Pink & Grey argyle set. They are sold at some Target stores, but are known as Not Sox or some such thing, but they're baby legs.

Gymboree! You can buy onesies and the like with dinosaurs on them. They're expensive, but so cute. I'm always getting them for girl-babies of people I know.