How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Centrally Isolated Edition

i-1e8ca3d6f1057cdc4f9532702467bc29-sm_cover_draft_atom.jpgNot a full Obsessive Update (because not much happened over the weekend, when we took SteelyKid to my parents' place for Easter), but a quick reminder to folks in the Ithaca, NY area: I'll be giving the physics colloquium at Cornell this afternoon at 4pm. If you're in the area, and want to hear me talk about communicating science and the use of blogs, it's at 4pm in the Schwartz Auditorium in Rockefeller Hall.

It's going to be a long day-- I have a class at 9:15, then I'm driving to Ithaca. SteelyKid stayed with Grandma and Grandpa (day care is closed today and tomorrow), so I'll be going back there tonight, then driving back to Schenectady with her tomorrow. All kinds of fun.

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