How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Signing Saturday

i-1e8ca3d6f1057cdc4f9532702467bc29-sm_cover_draft_atom.jpgThere was a nice story in the Schenectady Gazette about How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. I'd love to link to it, but the Gazette paywalls everything, so all you really get is the story title, unless you subscribe. And if you subscribe to the Gazette, you don't really need me to tell you there was a story in it about my book. So you'll just have to take my word that ther's a story, and a nice short review.

The reason for this late attention is that I'll be signing books at the Open Door bookstore in Schenectady this Saturday, the 19th. In fact, they did up a nice little flyer for the signing, that I'll post here:


If you're in the general area, and would like a signed copy of the book, stop on by. This is the last signing I have scheduled at the moment, until the paperback comes out in December, so if you'd like a signed book, this is your last best chance.

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