Links for 2011-08-09

  • News: The Education/Religion Connection - Inside Higher Ed

    "For years, a commonly held belief has been that more educated Americans are less likely to embrace religion. But an article forthcoming (abstract available here) in The Review of Religious Research suggests that the relationship between education and faith is more nuanced, and that more education has a negative impact only on certain religious questions, not on all of them.

    Some religious beliefs and practices -- including belief in God and regular prayer -- increase with years of education, the research found."

  • Lev Grossman | Books | Interview | The A.V. Club

    "Lev Grossman's 2009 novel The Magicians was a surprise smash, garnering great reviews and a stint on the New York Times bestseller list. The book, which blends famous children's fantasy series like Harry Potter and C.S. Lewis' Narnia novels with dark psychological realism, introduced a world readers might want to get lost in, except that the pressing problems of growing up and finding a purpose are still ever-present. Now, Grossman has released a sequel, The Magician King, which deepens the characters and settings of The Magicians, engaging with the idea of the quest, both in fantasy novels--where the quest is for a magical item--and in real life--where the quest can be something as mundane as finding somewhere to put down roots. Grossman, who works as the book critic for Time and frequently blogs there, recently talked with The A.V. Club about finding the story for the sequel, coming up with a new point-of-view character, and the perils of film adaptations of literary fantasies."

  • Acceleration of a Fungus Spore | Wired Science |

    "Even though Richard Hammond is pretty cool, he does confuse speed with acceleration. When you say "fastest in the world," I expect you to talk about the change in position with respect to time. This is different than the acceleration, which is change in velocity with respect to time. Ok, but other than that -- nice video.

    What about the acceleration of these other objects?
    Hammond says that the acceleration of the Pilobolus fungi spores is greater than a bullet, a missile (actually, I think he called a bullet a missile), a jet and a rocket. Let me start with an estimation of the acceleration of these things."

  • The Virtuosi: Fun with an iPhone Accelerometer

    "The iPhone 3GS has a built-in accelerometer, the LIS302DL, which is primarily used for detecting device orientation. I wanted to come up with something interesting to do with it, but first I had to see how it did on some basic tests. It turns out that the tests gave really interesting results themselves! A drop test gave clean results and a spring test gave fantastic data; however a pendulum test gave some problems."

  • Comic Flowchart on How To Deal With Internet Arguments

    "So you're MAD about something on the Internet..."


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Lev Grossman's The Magicians never got a full entry to itself, but as I said when I mentioned it in this round-up post, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a magical school novel about recognizable American teenagers attending Brakebills, a sort of liberal arts college for the wizarding set, somewhere…
This has been on my list for quite some time. Really, it must be since i posted about measuring acceleration in free fall with an iphone. So, this post will be all about accelerometers. How does an accelerometer work? Really, an accelerometer measures force some way on a known mass. Let me show…
Since I'm at Boskone, talking and listening to people talking about science fiction and fantasy literature, it seems appropriate to do a quickie post listing notworthy genre stuff I've read recently. There isn't that much of it, as I've been doing a lot of non-fiction reading, and also slightly…
Three weeks in Europe means a lot of time on planes and trains, so I actually got to read some fiction for a change. I'm stuck in a meeting all day today, and need a morale boost on the way in, so I'll go back to my book-blogging roots and type up the books that I read: -- Lev Grossman, The…

After reading the first link I had a comment to make on education and religion. After reading the third I decided to go make a sandwhich or perhaps wax my cat.

By Mike Olson (not verified) on 09 Aug 2011 #permalink

That seems a prissy take on "the fastest" thing. If someone made a car that went more quickly from 0-60 than any other car, I'd support their right to call it the fastest car in the world, even if it didn't have the highest top speed of any car.