018/366: Cute New Toy

There's only one obvious choice for today's photo of the day, namely the brand new lens that just arrived:

On the right, the f/1.8 50mm lens I've had for a while. On the left, the f/2.8 24mm lens that arrived today. On the right, the f/1.8 50mm lens I've had for a while. On the left, the f/2.8 24mm lens that arrived today.

This is a really compact 24mm f/2.8 lens, which isn't quite as fast as the f/1.8 I used for the depth of field experiment the other night, but has a much wider field of view, meaning it will likely work better for taking pictures of our hyperactive kids. And just look at how small and cute it is!

Of course, I don't have time to really play with it tonight, but you can look forward to that in the coming days... You know, if your life is empty enough that you look forward to that kind of thing.


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Now for some architecture fun, too! You can really get alot more in the picture. Just watch out for the distortion. You may find that the standard 50 is better for kids...too much loss of detail with the short fat one.


By BobFromLI (not verified) on 20 Sep 2015 #permalink


By Max Millhiser (not verified) on 21 Sep 2015 #permalink