Friday Rant: Why does Lou Dobbs still have a job?

i-84b30d187fbbfa229eb7dedb7461e82d-dobbs.jpgThat's right. I'm talking to you, Lou Dobbs of CNN.

What fascinates me about you is that although you are a thug of at least comparable measure to Bill O'Reilly -- what with your nightly anti-immigrant rants -- your thuggery seems to have gone largely unnoticed in the liberal establishment. If my liberal friends will not watch Fox because they employ O'Reilly, why will they watch CNN while they continue to employ you?

Aside from your regular anti-immigrant jibes, you seem to show the economic understanding of a shell-encased invertebrate. The protectionist measures you advocate were shown to be counterproductive during the fight over the Corn Laws over 150 years ago. I am quite certain that a chimpanzee with a high school economics textbook could exceed you in what you no doubt deride as book-learnin', demonstrating sadly and yet again that such education disqualifies one from participation in the American press.

Get a job, Lou. We all have them, and -- although you seem hypersensitive as to whether mine is being taken away by the evil brown people in China or India -- shouting louder than the next guy is not a legitimate occupation. (I can only conclude that your planetoid-sized cranium rendered you ineligible for work of any other kind.)

You, Sir, are a bigot, and a bigot of the worst order: the self-righteous variety.

Only two possibilities excite me as the d'enouement to the ongoing travesty that has been your media career. 1) That the cleaning staff of the CNN building might rise as one to slay you -- like the medieval hog-beast you -- for your sordid indifference to the fact that they work harder than you have ever worked in your life, or 2) that you will come to understand the forces you are fighting cannot be reversed by crass phrases no matter how large the microphone over which they are broadcast. With the latter, I hope that you will be shipped to the old-reporters home with the other crazies of yesteryear, having finally reaped the whirlwind of true historical irrelevance.

Your presence on this Earth only confirms my conclusion that there is no God, and that we desperately need one -- and a vengeful one at that.

Do us a favor, Lou: give up. You can't beat the world economy, and all of us would be much happier if you didn't try.

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If Lou could only stop sputtering and posturing, I am sure he would respond to you.

Thanks for the post, I thought I was the only one that thought that he and Bill O should get a room.

I stopped watching CNN several years ago. They're essentially the Junior League version of Fox. And Lou Dobbs is not their only offense, though he's probably their worst.

Does Lou make money for CNN? Do advertisers pay to put their commercials on during his program? That's why he has a job. Simple Marxism -- follow the money.

Unfortunately, CNN doesn't seem to realize that they could make more money using an actual journalist, rather than a guy who (if he didn't work for CNN) would be sending 20 letters to the editor a day to his local paper.

Interesting to note that anti Lou Dobbs commenters haven't noticed that according to the IRS the middle class is dissapearing. Without the middle class or a middle class to aspire to reach just what will those in the "lower" income sections aspire too. The discontent can manifest in several ways and a few of them aren't pleasant. The money the government shells out comes from taxes and loans and taxes still pay for those loans. Lou Dobbs may be extreme but it is worth listening to all sides and filtering out the truth which he does come up with when dealing with the fears of losing the middle class buffer.