This Otter is So Cute It Defies Description

I am not usually the type to put pictures of cute animals up. I leave that to Cute Overload. I don't really even like animals. (I know...shameful coming from a biologist.)

But this otter is so cute just defies description.


It was rescued from abandonment in Scotland. Frankly, it makes your average puppy look like a big, fat sack of crap. It is like they distilled cute into an absinthe-strength cute beverage -- a beverage that will make you wake up the next day and never want to drink cute again.

This otter makes you sad to be a member of the human species, doomed to produce hideous spawn in comparison.

I think they are going to have to Perma Plaque it or freeze it in carbonite because it is only going to get uglier from here.

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This otter is indeed cute but it should not be brought up in a house. It is not a pet and should be treated as a wild animal so that it can be released - otherwise you are condemning it to a life of captivity.

We are the International Otter Survival Fund and run a specialist otter hospital caring for injured and orphaned otters.

If you want to see more cute otters and find out more about these wonderful animals go to


cutest baby otter ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!