Link Love: some A's

I've got a massive backlog of saved posts in my bloglines. These are things new and (really really) old, things I've read and loved and things I've meant to read. They are posts I've wanted to share with you and posts that have touched me deeply. But the post backlog is nearing a threshold point and if I don't start to do a link dump soon, I'll never dig myself out. So while all of these posts deserve some description, you'll have to just click the link and figure out for yourselves why I've saved them.

I'll be doling out the link love in small batches as time allows.

Here we go. We'll start with the A's.

Baby Quilts and Science and Feminity at A Natural Scientist (1/17/2007)
*I love the quilts and the feminist discourse. I've had this one marked for a long time.*

Ah...they only THINK they're smarter at Am I a woman scientist? (1/25/2008)
*Always insightful, and particularly powerful analyses of science in the media. BTW, Am I a woman scientist is at the 37 week mark in her pregnancy*

Discouragement is always old at A K8, a cat, a mission (2/19/2008)
*I find Kate's approach to life and teaching so inspiring. And Kate is in the last few weeks of her pregnancy, too*

Gender and the geoscience pipeline (or: life as one of the 14%) at All of my faults are stress-related (2/16/2008)
*Kim is not pregnant (as far as I know) But she was the first blogger I met IRL. And she's done a good job talking about a women-in-science article that I haven't even managed to read*

The reality of the FMLA by Advice at Your Own Risk (1/31/2008)
*The US is pretty much the only developed country in the world that does not provide paid maternity leave. AAYOR shows up what that does to your paycheck when you have a baby.*

Open Lab 2007 is up for sale details at A Blog Around the Clock.

*A very belated announcement of what is surely an excellent read*


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Thanks for posting these. Especially the FMLA one - I stumbled across your blog last year, actually, when googling FMLA and women in science. It made me cry.

And it's all very relevant now... I am starting a tenure track job this fall and just two days ago found out that I'm pregnant. It really does happen as soon as you stop trying, and really really really DON'T want to get knocked up! I'm happy about it, but I'm also really ambivalent because this is going to make my life much, much, much harder, and I'm already running at 100% capacity already.

By another female… (not verified) on 26 Feb 2008 #permalink

Thanks for the plug. (And it was great meeting you too - I only wish I hadn't had to run, and could have had lunch with you and Minnow!)

I hadn't read the article when I read the post (I've since gotten a copy of it), so I misinterpreted some of the figures that had been posted. The important point: the authors found that men and women were tenured at the same rate (but hired at different rates). So most of the things I talked about weren't actually relevant to the article.

An editor at Nature Geoscience asked me if I would like to edit the blog essay and submit it for their "correspondence" section. I did, and it will be in the journal... maybe next month, maybe in the future?

You can see the two [different] years I took FMLA leave reflected in my salary over the past 10 years. Significantly reflected in my salary. I'm lucky enough to have a well paying and stable job, so overall it didn't hit us, but at the time we definitely felt the hit from my leave.