Global Warming, Creationism, and Religious Nutcases

Since I've been on the road so much lately, I haven't really had a chance to follow up on some of the more interesting links forwarded to me lately. Each probably deserves its own post... but I'm going to dump them all into this post anyway. Besides, there seems to be a common thread running through all of them.

First up is an interview with climate scientist Ben Santer in Environmental Science & Technology. Santer was a lead author on the president's recent Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) and has been a target of anti-environmental groups since he was a lead author on a 1995 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. He discusses all of this and how recent findings have clarified a seeming disconnect between satallite data of the Earth's temperature and actual temperature readings, and how this resolution supports what we already know about global warming:

I'm not sure why there's controversy. We know there's a natural greenhouse effect, which makes life on our planet possible. We've enhanced this effect by burning fossil fuels, and our activities have changed the chemical composition of the atmosphere. This is immutable fact, not idle speculation.

Our best current estimates of how much the earth will warm up from a doubling of pre-industrial levels of atmospheric CO2 are not significantly different from the estimates Arrhenius made over a century ago.

It's an informative and interesting interview, and it's definitely worth a look.

Next up is an online resource on hurricanes and global warming recently launched by Environmental Defense:

The site includes: local maps created by Environmental Defense which project coastal impacts for FL (Miami), NC (Wilmington) and SC (Charleston) over the coming decades; recent studies and fact sheets by leading experts, all detailing how climate change adds to the ferocity of hurricanes; a hurricane image library; a list of experts and how to reach them.

The connection between global warming and increasing hurricane activity is one area of climate change research that is still fairly controversial, but the site is well-documented, and it should be a useful resource.

OK, we're going to change gears a little bit here, but there's still a connection....

Tom Huffman emailed me a link to a post from David Byrne's (of the Talking Heads) Journal that is surprisingly relevant (enough so that Pharyngula and Stranger Fruit have already mentioned it). The post concerns the documentary Jesus Camp about camps where young children are indoctrinated against evolution and abortion (no surprises there), but also... global warming? Huh?

Saw a screening of a documentary called Jesus Camp. It focuses on a woman preacher (Becky Fischer) who indoctrinates children in a summer camp in North Dakota. Right wing political agendas and slogans are mixed with born again rituals that end with most of the kids in tears. Tears of release and joy, they would claim -- the children are not physically abused. The kids are around 9 or 10 years old, recruited from various churches, and are pliant willing receptacles. They are instructed that evolution is being forced upon us by evil Godless secular humanists, that abortion must be stopped at all costs, that we must form an "army" to defeat the Godless influences, that we must band together to insure that the right judges and politicians get into the courts and office and that global warming is a lie. (This last one is a puzzle -- how did accepting the evidence for climate change and global warming become anti-Jesus? Did someone simply conflate all corporate agendas with Jesus and God and these folks accept that? Would Jesus drive an SUV? Is every conclusion responsible scientists make now suspect?)

And, speaking of creationism... I also received an email about a relatively new site called Comments on ID and Creationism where readers can comment on some of the crap coming out of the creationist/intelligent design sites. I don't ever visit those sites, but apparently they have pretty restrictive commenting policies, so the new site serves as a place where censored commenters can speak their mind. Surely information and knowledge are on our side in this battle, so it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.


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Yeah, I have never really understood certain creationist's arguements against global warming. I mean, if the science is there to show us evidence then why deny it? Funny how some people get into a big tizzy when the two sides agree on something. Are they thinking that agreement with evolutionists on some subjects negates their faith?

I don't get it anymore than you do and I am a creationist. weird...


I guess some people just like their ideology pre-packaged. It's probably a lot easier to embrace all tenents of the extreme Republican/conservative philosophy than to have to pick and choose.

Perhaps global warming suffers from guilt by association; it isn't that the science behind it is objectionable, but as an environmental concern it is associated with the left.

Admit that that the damn hippie liberals were right all along about the greenhouse effect, and you risk tearing the seamless garment of right-wing Christian belief.

There have been some news stories about a "creation care" movement growing among evangelicals, but I suspect it might be wishful thinking to say this sort of thing is in the majority.

Yes, I pick "All of the above." What we are witnessing here as well as in the Islamic world is more of a cultural war on modernism dressed in a religious cloak. Christian fundamentalists want to roll the clock back to about 1850, whereas Islamic fundamentalists want to roll it way back to 400AD.

In America, it also has a John Birch Society flavor to it, with a kind of American individualistic mistrust of institutions. Thats where you get the phrase "elite science community." Roll it all together and attacking global warming is perfectly consistent.

I think it's more of a conspiracy/suspicion thing. If you believe that a certain issue is faked, certain things might (or must?) follow from that. For example, if there is no real evidence for AIDS being virus-related and yet there are millions/billions of dollars being poured into research along those lines, why is that? Well, it must be because the scientists want grant money and liberals get to promote naughty sex and claim that evil lifestyles are okay - it's just a virus that's to blame and not a judgement on wicked behaviour. It's the same scientists and liberals behind evolution and global warming scares, right?

I also think there's a fair amount of projection in these things. People who view science through the thick lens of their ideologies seem to claim their "opponents" are the ones doing it. Oh, wait. Does that mean I'm doing it right now? Oh no!

400AD? Not likely since Islam was founded in the 7th century.

The Truth about Global Warming -The Apocalypse: Page 1 of 7.
My purpose is to gain support for this report. Global warming-the apocalypse can be stopped, with your help. If not stopped the sunâs heat will dominate this planetâs weather, and generate unusual weather patterns, to the point where the only thing to eat will be other people. The real reason for global warming is the earthâs orbit around the sun is decaying, in other words the earth is moving closer to the sun.

The earth is a planet that functions like a machine. Like cars, trucks, aircrafts, or rockets. The earth has a fuel system, an engine system, and exhaust system. A carâs engine system generates torque, an aircraftâs engine systems generates thrust, and the earthâs engine system generates a powerful magnetic field, and the earthâs magnetic field protects all life on this planet, and beneath the oceans.

The earthâs magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the core is the earthâs engine. The earthâs fuel system is referred to as oil wells/ crude oil reservoirs. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells. Like any machine, if you were to shut off fuel to the engine, the engine will stop operating. The oil companyâs crude oil extraction process compromises the earthâs fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earthâs engine (the core), by releasing pressure out of the earthâs fuel system (oil wells). Normally the pressure in a crude oil well/ reservoir is tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds per square inch.

Under normal circumstance the core (the engine) stays at a constant 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and thatâs hot enough to melt steel, and the pressure in the core is tens of thousands to hundreds of pounds per square inch. The oil is ignited long before it reaches the core, and enters the core as flames. Crude oil a hydrocarbon, and is capable of generating the temperatures in the core. Hydrocarbons are used to melt, and manufacture steel. The higher the temperature in the core, and the stronger the earthâs magnetic field. The cooler the core, the weaker the earthâs magnetic field. The earthâs engine is being fuel starved, and it is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earthâs magnetic field weakens, and the earth is being pulled closer to the sun.

Global Warming has nothing to do with green house gases, holes in the ozone, CFC, R-12 refrigerant, and aerosol propellant, etc. The only way to reverse global warming-the apocalypse is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earthâs fuel systems. One way this can be accomplished, by igniting the methane gas in the fuel cell (oil/ gas well). The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil (fuel) into the core. This is the real cause for global warming, and the only way it can be reversed. Volcanoes are the earthâs exhaust system.

Volcanoes are designed to rid the core (the earthâs engine) of spent fuel, debris, and they regulate the pressure in the core, which is generated by the combustion, and/ or ignition of crude oil / methane gas. The pressure thatâs release from volcanoes are provided by carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the facts are these are all hydrocarbon by-product, including the pressure.
These gases, and the pressure proves beyond a shadow of doubt, hydrocarbons are being burned in the core of this planet, and lots of it. I believe it crude oil, and/ or methane gas are this planetâs fuel source. Green house gases are not responsible for global warming, it goes beyond gases. Something is going wrong with the earth obit around the sun, it changing, and not for the better.

The earth has shifted on itâs axis by 26 degrees, and is wobbling on itâs axis. The earth is moving away from the moon at 4 centimeters each year, and the distance between the earth, and moon has increase by 220,000 miles. A total of 24 leap seconds have been added to the atomic clock over the decades, because the earth rotation has slowed down. 12 noon use to be the hottest part of the day, now it 3 oâclock in the after noon.

The winters are getting sunny, and warmer from the equator (latitude- zero) to (latitude 29-N, and S), and vice versa. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, and the oceans are rising. Floods, and tornadoes are developing in winter, from (latitude 29.0 âN, and S) to (latitude 40- N, and S) during each hemisphereâs prospective winters Itâs suppose to be too cold for the development tornadoes in January, and February, and there shouldnât be enough sun rays, and heat for the green house gas theory to be applicable. The same weather is occurring on both sides of the equator from (latitude-29-S to 40-S) in winter. Itâs getting noticeably hotter every 15 to 20 years. Look at the facts, and due diligence!

Written by: Willie McDonald

The Truth about Global Warming -The Apocalypse: Page 1 of 7.
My purpose is to gain support for this report. Global warming-the apocalypse can be stopped, with your help. If not stopped the sunâs heat will dominate this planetâs weather, and generate unusual weather patterns, to the point where the only thing to eat will be other people. The real reason for global warming is the earthâs orbit around the sun is decaying, in other words the earth is moving closer to the sun.

The earth is a planet that functions like a machine. Like cars, trucks, aircrafts, or rockets. The earth has a fuel system, an engine system, and exhaust system. A carâs engine system generates torque, an aircraftâs engine systems generates thrust, and the earthâs engine system generates a powerful magnetic field, and the earthâs magnetic field protects all life on this planet, and beneath the oceans.

The earthâs magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the core is the earthâs engine. The earthâs fuel system is referred to as oil wells/ crude oil reservoirs. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells. Like any machine, if you were to shut off fuel to the engine, the engine will stop operating. The oil companyâs crude oil extraction process compromises the earthâs fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earthâs engine (the core), by releasing pressure out of the earthâs fuel system (oil wells). Normally the pressure in a crude oil well/ reservoir is tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds per square inch.

Under normal circumstance the core (the engine) stays at a constant 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and thatâs hot enough to melt steel, and the pressure in the core is tens of thousands to hundreds of pounds per square inch. The oil is ignited long before it reaches the core, and enters the core as flames. Crude oil a hydrocarbon, and is capable of generating the temperatures in the core. Hydrocarbons are used to melt, and manufacture steel. The higher the temperature in the core, and the stronger the earthâs magnetic field. The cooler the core, the weaker the earthâs magnetic field. The earthâs engine is being fuel starved, and it is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earthâs magnetic field weakens, and the earth is being pulled closer to the sun.

Global Warming has nothing to do with green house gases, holes in the ozone, CFC, R-12 refrigerant, and aerosol propellant, etc. The only way to reverse global warming-the apocalypse is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earthâs fuel systems. One way this can be accomplished, by igniting the methane gas in the fuel cell (oil/ gas well). The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil (fuel) into the core. This is the real cause for global warming, and the only way it can be reversed. Volcanoes are the earthâs exhaust system.

Volcanoes are designed to rid the core (the earthâs engine) of spent fuel, debris, and they regulate the pressure in the core, which is generated by the combustion, and/ or ignition of crude oil / methane gas. The pressure thatâs release from volcanoes are provided by carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the facts are these are all hydrocarbon by-product, including the pressure.
These gases, and the pressure proves beyond a shadow of doubt, hydrocarbons are being burned in the core of this planet, and lots of it. I believe it crude oil, and/ or methane gas are this planetâs fuel source. Green house gases are not responsible for global warming, it goes beyond gases. Something is going wrong with the earth obit around the sun, it changing, and not for the better.

The earth has shifted on itâs axis by 26 degrees, and is wobbling on itâs axis. The earth is moving away from the moon at 4 centimeters each year, and the distance between the earth, and moon has increase by 220,000 miles. A total of 24 leap seconds have been added to the atomic clock over the decades, because the earth rotation has slowed down. 12 noon use to be the hottest part of the day, now it 3 oâclock in the after noon.

The winters are getting sunny, and warmer from the equator (latitude- zero) to (latitude 29-N, and S), and vice versa. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, and the oceans are rising. Floods, and tornadoes are developing in winter, from (latitude 29.0 âN, and S) to (latitude 40- N, and S) during each hemisphereâs prospective winters Itâs suppose to be too cold for the development tornadoes in January, and February, and there shouldnât be enough sun rays, and heat for the green house gas theory to be applicable. The same weather is occurring on both sides of the equator from (latitude-29-S to 40-S) in winter. Itâs getting noticeably hotter every 15 to 20 years. Look at the facts, and due diligence!

Written by: Willie McDonald

The Truth about Global Warming -The Apocalypse: Page 1 of 7.
My purpose is to gain support for this report. Global warming-the apocalypse can be stopped, with your help. If not stopped the sunâs heat will dominate this planetâs weather, and generate unusual weather patterns, to the point where the only thing to eat will be other people. The real reason for global warming is the earthâs orbit around the sun is decaying, in other words the earth is moving closer to the sun.

The earth is a planet that functions like a machine. Like cars, trucks, aircrafts, or rockets. The earth has a fuel system, an engine system, and exhaust system. A carâs engine system generates torque, an aircraftâs engine systems generates thrust, and the earthâs engine system generates a powerful magnetic field, and the earthâs magnetic field protects all life on this planet, and beneath the oceans.

The earthâs magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the core is the earthâs engine. The earthâs fuel system is referred to as oil wells/ crude oil reservoirs. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells. Like any machine, if you were to shut off fuel to the engine, the engine will stop operating. The oil companyâs crude oil extraction process compromises the earthâs fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earthâs engine (the core), by releasing pressure out of the earthâs fuel system (oil wells). Normally the pressure in a crude oil well/ reservoir is tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds per square inch.

Under normal circumstance the core (the engine) stays at a constant 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and thatâs hot enough to melt steel, and the pressure in the core is tens of thousands to hundreds of pounds per square inch. The oil is ignited long before it reaches the core, and enters the core as flames. Crude oil a hydrocarbon, and is capable of generating the temperatures in the core. Hydrocarbons are used to melt, and manufacture steel. The higher the temperature in the core, and the stronger the earthâs magnetic field. The cooler the core, the weaker the earthâs magnetic field. The earthâs engine is being fuel starved, and it is slowly cooling. As the core cools the earthâs magnetic field weakens, and the earth is being pulled closer to the sun.

Global Warming has nothing to do with green house gases, holes in the ozone, CFC, R-12 refrigerant, and aerosol propellant, etc. The only way to reverse global warming-the apocalypse is for the oil companies to re-pressurize the earthâs fuel systems. One way this can be accomplished, by igniting the methane gas in the fuel cell (oil/ gas well). The ignited gas will expand, and create the pressure need to force the remaining crude oil (fuel) into the core. This is the real cause for global warming, and the only way it can be reversed. Volcanoes are the earthâs exhaust system.

Volcanoes are designed to rid the core (the earthâs engine) of spent fuel, debris, and they regulate the pressure in the core, which is generated by the combustion, and/ or ignition of crude oil / methane gas. The pressure thatâs release from volcanoes are provided by carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and the facts are these are all hydrocarbon by-product, including the pressure.
These gases, and the pressure proves beyond a shadow of doubt, hydrocarbons are being burned in the core of this planet, and lots of it. I believe it crude oil, and/ or methane gas are this planetâs fuel source. Green house gases are not responsible for global warming, it goes beyond gases. Something is going wrong with the earth obit around the sun, it changing, and not for the better.

The earth has shifted on itâs axis by 26 degrees, and is wobbling on itâs axis. The earth is moving away from the moon at 4 centimeters each year, and the distance between the earth, and moon has increase by 220,000 miles. A total of 24 leap seconds have been added to the atomic clock over the decades, because the earth rotation has slowed down. 12 noon use to be the hottest part of the day, now it 3 oâclock in the after noon.

The winters are getting sunny, and warmer from the equator (latitude- zero) to (latitude 29-N, and S), and vice versa. Both polar ice caps are being melted, one at a time, and the oceans are rising. Floods, and tornadoes are developing in winter, from (latitude 29.0 âN, and S) to (latitude 40- N, and S) during each hemisphereâs prospective winters Itâs suppose to be too cold for the development tornadoes in January, and February, and there shouldnât be enough sun rays, and heat for the green house gas theory to be applicable. The same weather is occurring on both sides of the equator from (latitude-29-S to 40-S) in winter. Itâs getting noticeably hotter every 15 to 20 years. Look at the facts, and due diligence!

Written by: Willie McDonald

By Willie McDonal (not verified) on 06 Mar 2009 #permalink