Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill

I'm at a conference right now and unfortunately don't have time to write extensively about this, but for those who were not aware, President Bush vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (S. 5) on Wednesday. There are not enough votes in the House and Senate to override this veto, so it's clear that our lack of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research will continue until we have a new President in the White House.

On Wednesday the President also announced an executive order to encourage research into alternatives to embryonic stem cell research. As I've written before, these various "ethically sound" stem cells are not by any means an acceptable alternative to true embryonic stem cells. Scientists need to continue spreading the word about this, and it is essential that we elect a President in 2008 who will fully support and fund embryonic stem cell research. This field does not need special treatment, but it does deserve to be funded objectively and adequately like any other biomedical science.

Click here for my past coverage of the issue and here for commentary from Hope for Pandora.

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Thanks for the link!

Also of note is that Congress is pushing back, and not just with a veto override attempt. The Senate (led by Harkin and Spector) Labor-HHS appropriations bill includes a provision that federal money will be approved for use on lines derived before June 15, 2007. If you are interested, I've got some more links here. It seems as though the lack of a line-item veto may pit Social Security, No Child Left Behind, the NIH, the FDA against the $20-30 million spent on huESC work.

I smell a showdown!

It's also imperative to elect at least ten more Democratic senators. There are only 49 of them, and Bernie Saunders. That's not enough.

It really is sad that this guy is all too willing to impose his theology on all Americans by retarding medical research.

Well said. ;)

It amazes me to see people encourage barriers for embryonic research and then direct all of their focus on adult cells. I'm all for using adult stem cells instead of embryonic IF and WHEN the current obstacles are resolved and IF (very big if) we can get a potential that even comes close to that of embryonic stem cells. Sure, it would be great to avoid the ethical aspects of embryonic cells but based on what we know right now, the potential for embryonic stem cells is superior. To prevent progress is an insult to everyone who suffers from a disease stem cells may be able to treat or alternately, knows someone who does (ergo, virtually everyone!).