Weekend by the numbers

A numerical synopsis of my weekend:

Number of sick babies in household: 1
Doses of Tylenol administered: 6
Amount of vomit cleaned up: 1 metric ton
Amount of baby snot/drool/various secretions on clothing: 3 pounds
Number of outings canceled: 3

Loads of laundry done: 1
Loads of laundry typically done on a "normal" weekend: 5
Net laundry: -4

Hours of work done Saturday: 1.5 (yeah, I know, this violates the whole Saturdays off thing)
Hours of work done Sunday: 8
Percentage of work that needed to be done that was completed: 90%
Stress level (1-10 scale): 10 at start of day, 3 now that I know that I won't have to stay up til all hours
Fights picked with Mr. Jane due to stress levels: 1 billion

Number of workouts accomplished: 0 (boo)
Number of meals/desserts that came from Cooking Light recipes: 2
Number of takeout meals ordered: 1
Minutes spent in actual conversation with Mr. Jane: 10
Hours spent watching the NFL draft: 3.5

Number of days til next substantive post: 1 (I promise!)

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