Messier Monday: A Star-Forming Spiral, M61 (Synopsis)

“All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.” -Victor Hugo

During all other full Moons, I wouldn't dare show you a galaxy for Messier Monday. But when you get a total lunar eclipse on the occasion, not only do the nebulous deep-sky objects become visible, but Mars will be a more worrisome source of light pollution than the totally eclipsed Moon!

Image credit: Bethany and Amanda VanStavern at NOAO, via Image credit: Bethany and Amanda VanStavern at NOAO, via

This Messier Monday, come enjoy a Virgo cluster galaxy rich in gas, new stars, and supernovae: Messier 61!

Image credit: © Mel Martin 2014 via Image credit: © Mel Martin 2014 via

Go and read the whole thing here.

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