Earth Day in the Universe (Synopsis)

“We came all this way to explore the Moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.” -Bill Anders, Apollo 8, 1968

We've come an incredible distance in exploring the Universe. In the span of just a single human lifetime, we've gone from speculations about what other worlds in our Solar System might be like, the possibility of planets around other stars and wondering how many galaxies might be in our observable Universe to actual answers about all three of these profound questions.

Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech. Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech.

But as far as we've come, Earth is still the only planet we know of with life on it, and the only one even capable of habituating us as our home.

Image credit: NASA, Apollo 8. Image credit: NASA, Apollo 8.

Take an incredible look at what we've learned -- and what actually leaving our world has taught us -- about the Universe and Earth's place in it.

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And to think that around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970 scientists were warning about global cooling.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 22 Apr 2015 #permalink

And to think that around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970 scientists were warning about global cooling.

Well no, a couple were, but even in the 60s and 70s there were more talking about the dangers of greenhouse gas buildup and warming, so the second part of your comment is overstated (wrong by implication).
The first part of your statement is massively wrong - - you've never demonstrated in your posts that you have the capability to think.

Well that escalated quickly!
Happy earth day.

By david hurn (not verified) on 23 Apr 2015 #permalink

No point in dicking about with deniers, David.

Someone under the age of 8 can get away with not knowing but for the last decade plus it's not possible for someone to be ignorant enough without really, REALLY trying at it.

David, it's important to note that sn (at #1) has a long history here-abouts. He has repeatedly asserted that all research on evolution is false (without reading any of the references sent to him, after he asked for such references), has equated people in same sex relationships to those who engage in animal sexual abuse - and worse, has stated that there is no reason anyone should engage in any research that does not have an immediate fundamental application, and generally spent a good deal of space lying about observed facts and, most recently, denying he's said what has been attributed to him, after the relevant items were found, quoted, and linked to.
There is no need to give him any benefit of the doubt: it was long ago that he lost the right to even that.

Massive grammatical screw-up in my post @6. Where i have

who engage in animal sexual abuse – and worse, he has stated .../blockquote>

it should be

who engage in animal sexual abuse, and worse. Also, he has stated ...

Makes a stunning difference.

And to think that around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970 scientists were warning about global cooling.

While I agree with previous posters that this is mostly factually incorrect, on a bigger note I'm very glad that scientists review and revise their ideas in light of new evidence. To think, religion doesn't do this!

"And that’s the way it was, Monday, September 11, 1972."

Aaaand we have a blog, of a recollection of a newspaper report....

Yup, that's real hard evidence, Nowt.

Evidence you did bugger all looking.

You can check the figures yourself on Nature. You can look at Soylent Green, 1973. All about a post-AGW collapsed society.

Or you could listen to a dumbass like seenoevo.

To dean #3:

Wow calls me a “retard” and a “dumbass.”

You say I can’t think. And in an earlier blog, you called me “vermin.”
On that blog, you never answered my question:
What do you do with vermin, dean?

“The Nazi regime did not limit distribution of propaganda linking Jews and vermin or disease to Germany.”

Your statement that I have “stated that there is no reason anyone should engage in any research that does not have an immediate fundamental application”, is not only FALSE, it’s a LIE.
For others who might be interested, see comment #32 and following on… )

By See Noevo (not verified) on 23 Apr 2015 #permalink

To dean #3:
Wow calls me a “retard” and a “dumbass.”
You say I can’t think. And in an earlier blog, you called me “vermin.”
On that blog, you never answered my question: What do you do with vermin, dean?

“The Nazi regime did not limit distribution of propaganda linking Jews and vermin or disease to Germany.”

Your statement that I have “stated that there is no reason anyone should engage in any research that does not have an immediate fundamental application”, is not only FALSE, it’s a LIE.
For others who might be interested, see comment #32 and following on… )

By See Noevo (not verified) on 23 Apr 2015 #permalink

I quoted what you said sn. I'm not surprised you are are trying to deny it, but that is what you do.

You attempt to link me with Nazis is completely representative of your persona: despicable as always.

Wow. In your attempt at denial you didn't even link to the place where you made your comment. Incredible. Here is what you said.
I don’t buy the argument that it’s just to learn. Nobody advocates, or should advocate, spending untold man-years and billions of dollars just to learn more about something that has no impact on our daily lives.

Whatever could be the purpose?

dean R U Kidding Me? people Spend Untold BILLIONS on ways to game the system to gain more profit for themselves regardless what impact the outcome has on others daily lives.

Are you having an Ostrich moment?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 23 Apr 2015 #permalink

"You say I can’t think. And in an earlier blog, you called me “vermin.”"

You are.

A mammal infesting with deleterious effects on the place that you inhabit temporarily.



Your statement that I have “stated that there is no reason anyone should engage in any research that does not have an immediate fundamental application”, is not only FALSE, it’s a LIE.

No, that is PRECISELY what you said, dumbass.

You can say you didn't MEAN that, but you CANNOT claim you didn't say it.

people Spend Untold BILLIONS on ways to game the system to gain more profit for themselves regardless what impact the outcome has on others daily lives.


Some people fuck kiddies. This does not mean kiddies are being fucked so we shouldn't have any. So it doesn't even do what you want it to, even if you ignore the fact that it's an irrelevant claim.

I'm done responding to sn. itis clear he has no interest in honest representation of facts, or in attempting to learn anything. TheRe isn't enough time to counter his multiple falsehoods.

@See Noevo #12

According to their propaganda I think this is what warmists intend to do those they consider vermin:

But at least dean isn't making you wear any symbols or giving you any unwanted tattoos. ;)

Wow #5 Dean #6
Perhaps the best way is to totally ignore them,its almost like they want to wind people up!

By david hurn (not verified) on 24 Apr 2015 #permalink

I can PROVE that Wow in #17 and dean in #13 are LYING.

Wow quotes dean’s words about me - “[see noevo] stated that there is no reason anyone should engage in any research that does not have an IMMEDIATE fundamental application”, and then Wow says “that is PRECISELY what you said, dumbass.”

I never said “immediate” application must come from research. In fact, the only time I used any form of the word “immediate” is when I said “No one, myself included, expects, say, useful consumer products, to result immediately from such scientific research. Everyone, myself included, knows that the passage of often significant amounts of time comes in between a discovery and an application of the discovery.”…

If anyone out there doesn’t believe me when I say Wow and dean are lying, go knock yourself out on…

Unfortunately for dean, he won’t be able to respond to me on this, per his #19 comment. For to do so would break his word, and reveal his lying ways again. (But I’m very confident he will.)

By See Noevo (not verified) on 24 Apr 2015 #permalink

Denier: "...I think ..."

No, denier, you don't.

"I can PROVE that Wow in #17 and dean in #13 are LYING."

Nope, you can't.

Only by pretending that your words mean something they don't say can you manage that.

Or flat out lying.

Can't be arsed to check which one you picked, dearie.

Oh, a quick look only on your claim here and now I see you've taken the other route I forgot: insist that dean quoted your words, rather than used his own.

Or in other words, a lie about dean rather than a lie about yours.

@dean #7
"Massive grammatical screw-up in my post @6. Where i have"
Uhhh genius, ya gota another "grammatical screw-up" In your screw up fix..

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 24 Apr 2015 #permalink

We are all in the hands of experts and they know we are silenced completely by scientific concensous.The danger of this position is they can become an elite who tell us what to believe and how we should live.
Mind you some neuroscientists believe free will and the concept of 'self' are illusions. No doubt they are the trained experts and we must not protest.
Two thirds of the world dont have access to basic medical care and while the experts debate the climate changes.

By magnocrat (not verified) on 30 Apr 2015 #permalink