“Cassini is different -- it's a mission of enormous scope and is being conducted in grand style. It is much more sophisticated than Voyager, ... I can't say it's got that flavor of romance, though. Voyager was very romantic. Cassini is spectacular.” -Carolyn Porco
It was a big enough mystery when Saturn’s hexagon was first discovered by going back to archival Voyager data, and then confirmed by Cassini. Over the past 36 years, Saturn’s hexagon has not only persisted, it’s remained completely unchanged in size, extent and speed over that time. An artifact of fluid dynamics and the wind speeds at the northern latitudes, the hexagon is a quasi-stable structure that will likely outlive us all.

But the color of Saturn’s hexagon has changed over time, and not even over very long timescales. Since the north pole came back into sunlight in 2009, it was observed to be blue in color. But from 2012 to 2016, it gradually yellowed, having now achieved a color almost in sync with the rest of the planet. As solstice approaches next year, this effect should only intensify.

Find out -- and see -- why on this edition of Mostly Mute Monday!
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Forbes' addblock wall is up and running again :(
@Sinisa #1: It never went down, despite their assurance to Ethan to the contrary. What has consistently worked for me is to wait for the hectoring welcome page to come up, turn off AdBlock and reload the page, then turn AdBlock back on once the "thank you for reducing your security profile" page appears. At that point, it seems that Forbes has recorded its cookie, and doesn't notice the re-enable.
@ Michael
It worked for me on Firefox for the last 3-4 weeks or so. Sometimes the link here on blog would take me directly to the article, sometimes it would take me to wall but then i close the tab and open link again and it would redirect to article.
However, today the wall just stands there. Will try your workaround. Thank you.