Wurld Economics

Volume 7, Number 4 (October-December 2006) of World Economics has a "dual review" of the science and economics of Stern. You need a subscription (or a friend...) to read wot those usual suspects Robert M. Carter, C. R. de Freitas, Indur M. Goklany, David Holland & Richard S. Lindzen wrote, and its not really worth the effort because its pretty well the same old stuff: a bonfire of strawmen; its all too uncertain; T change is only a few tenths of a degree; the hockey stick is broken. Etc etc. There are some bizarenesses: The only genuinely global records of measured temperature come from weather balloon radiosonde measurements (since 1958) and satellite microwave sounding units (since 1978) which is weird. You could argue that the MSU is global (but you can't then argue, as they do, that the vn5.2 MSU "show little change") but I can't see how you can argue that the radiosonde record is: in terms of locations, its a small subset of the surface record.

Anyway, all very familiar, and I only mention it in case you have a subscription and want a look.

[Update: now available for free from http://www.staff.livjm.ac.uk/spsbpeis/WE-STERN.pdf (thanks D)]

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