Testing, testing

Having a comment policy is a good idea. But then it can be fun to test the limits of other people's (cite, in case the limits turn out to be as hard as announced).

Errm, pinch-and-a-punch, first of the month, no returns :-)

You can use this thread to discuss comment policy if you like.


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Any policy you want as long as it is applied honestly.

I am comfortable with "deep six any comments which use curse words to describe others" but when "sciencebloggers" regularly resort to obscenity as a substitue for debate it is only honest if yjose of a sceptical disposition are allowed to point out that those of an obscene disposition are unfit to be part of any decent movement, but, as experince shows, entirely fit for the pseudo-environmentalist one.

Even censorship is OK so long as the censor has enough honesty to admit that this is what they are doing 7 that it is what Fascists do.

By Neil Craig (not verified) on 26 Feb 2013 #permalink

Can we say 'crank'?


Well your comment over at Rabbet Run got a belly laugh from me.


By Chris Reynolds (not verified) on 27 Feb 2013 #permalink

Even censorship is OK so long as the censor has enough honesty to admit that this is what they are doing

You [incivility redacted - W]; you don't know what 'censorship' means. U R 'merican? Then it is no surprise.

By wereatheist (not verified) on 27 Feb 2013 #permalink

A fine example of obscenity being the favoured (note spelling Were) alternative to rational debate. Remarkable how common this is among alarmists pretending to scientific principles.

By Neil Craig (not verified) on 28 Feb 2013 #permalink