You may have noticed that blogging here has been a little thin recently. That's because I've been on holiday. It was glorious. There will be a full post or indeed series of posts in due course; for the moment you get just this.
If you can work out where that is without cheating you're doing well.
I plan to catch up on my email and blog comment backlog in due course.
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Nice pic.
(Define cheating and I'll give it a go.)
[You're not allowed to follow the pic back to source and look at what folder it is in -W]
[Oh no waay out :-) -W]
"If you can work out where that is without cheating you’re doing well."
Somewhat above sea level.
I win!
Now, having cheated, my other guess would have been wrong. Out by maybe 500 miles - would have said , well, I can't say without giving it away can I?
Hmmm. Looking south from seven thousand feet but with a lot more mountains in view, so it can't be the Brenta Dolomites.
Austria. Or Wyoming. Or British Colombia. Or Tibet. Or Mordor.
Austria but wearing Italian boots.
Or vice versa.
Is it cheating to look at the ice in the foreground?
If not, then somewhere cold and way up high I'd say. Like Nepal or maybe Denmark.
Wherever they are we can be rest assured that he walked there to reduce you know what.. Only lefty white middle class luvvies can manufacture this intensity of hypocrisy.