How to be a Conservative

Rob Hood over at the Conservative Voice gives the nine key things that conservatives and Christians believe.

Some "interesting" chains of logic being shown here - Hood appears to have the logical equivalent of ADD. Note that Hood sees these as the key things that conservatives and Christians believe, not what conservative Christians believe. Apparently the unwritten premise is that you need to be a Christian to be a conservative in this country. Some basic reading here and here is, methinks, required.

PZ rips him one here. Hood's expertiste in political theory, evolutionary biology, climatology, theology, geology and constitutional law comes from his associates degree in electronics technology, I guess. Quite the Renassiance man.


More like this

Points one, two and eight above and more are covered in Dr. Kent Hovind's presentation "100 Reasons Evolution is So Stupid!" available here from Google. My lack of scientific acumen precludes me from deftly countering his arguements so I'll leave that to you experts out there.

Here though are some particular "IDeas" Dr. Hovind raises along with the approximate times they occur in the presentation:

He advocates censoring science textbooks (44:00)
He supports the notion of "similar design" by pointing out the lug nuts on a Pontiac also fit on a Chevy (46:42)
He disputes that the Colorado River made the Grand Canyon (47:30)
He asserts that Darwin was a racist (1:13:00)
He claims that that dinosaurs and man lived together and the dinosaurs were actually dragons (1:27:00)

The time codes are approximate so I suggest toggling to a point that's a few seconds prior to get the proper context.

For those of you brave enough to take in the whole presentation, my advice is, to paraphrase The Inferno, abandon all logic ye who enter there.

Props to my pal Louis for the heads up on this.

By Sean Storrs (not verified) on 05 Jul 2006 #permalink