Knee deep in PIG crap

Jonathan Wells is at it again. Erstwhile "developmental biologist," he has taken time off  "working on a book criticizing the over-emphasis on genes in biology and medicine" to present a Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, one that is approved of by Ann Coulter, who sees Wells as "an expert of Darwinism and intelligent design". To be fair, this is probably true - Wells is an expert in the same way that Coulter is an expert on science and history.

In any case, over at the Thumb, the crew have begun to put together a chapter by chapter response to Wells' dreck. As Reed Cartwright notes, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, is not only politically incorrect but incorrect in most other ways as well: scientifically, logically, historically, legally, academically, and morally."

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