Pathetic, that's what it is

So said Eeyore. But equally, it could describe this - Dembski has noticed the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Society, and so wants to be like Dawkins:

Anybody who is willing and able to upgrade the look, feel, and functionality of this site (Uncommon Descent) to match that of the Dawkins site will receive three of my books autographed. What a deal. Think it over.


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If you downgrade it to the level of a ten-year-old's scribblings, which would match the content, will he accept copies of his books you don't want?

That's like THREE reasons not to work on the site!

Hey, improve my blog site and I'll put flaming bags of dog poop on your doorstep for an entire year!

I'm far more excited to find out that Winnie the Pooh is reproduced on the web. Bedtime stories on my 'puter. What fun.

A few months back, I bought and read a collection of essays called Intelligent Thought: Science versus the Intelligent Design Movement which debunks ID from different points of view. In the interest of fair play, but perhaps in a weak moment, I also bought Dembski's Intelligent Design. After reading about seventy five pages of that, I'd had quite enough. Now I have this book I don't know what to do with. I can't, in all good conscience, pawn it off on someone else, I'm not able to recycle it, to throw it away would be bad for the environment and to burn it would be flying in the face of the First Amendment. I don't need a doorstop and none of the legs on my furniture need to be propped up either so, if anyone can offer any creative uses for it, let me know. :)