Spartan eugenics


The ancient Greeks said that the Spartans threw any deformed or sick newborns over a cliff, thus practicing eugenics. Indeed, Plato - certainly an individual with a soft spot for Sparta - himself hints at these practices in his Republic. Recent studies of human remains from one such cliff (apothetes) has shown that the remains below are those of individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 and that no children or newborns were disposed of in this manner. Researchers believe the remains are likely to be those of prisoners or traitors.


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Hi John!
Do you have time to very briefly tell me if anything went 'wrong' with spartan eugenics or was it an idea / practice that was just abandoned somewhere along the line.
History teacher at school says problems with inbreeding....

Thanks for your time. If you DON'T have time, don't worry. This is just a passing curiosity provoked by a forum I contribute to on the net......not too important...

Kindest regards, Voula Stathopoulou.

By Voula Stathopoulou (not verified) on 17 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hi John!
Do you have time to very briefly tell me if anything went 'wrong' with spartan eugenics or was it an idea / practice that was just abandoned somewhere along the line.
History teacher at school says problems with inbreeding....

Thanks for your time. If you DON'T have time, don't worry. This is just a passing curiosity provoked by a forum I contribute to on the net......not too important...

Kindest regards, Voula Stathopoulou.

By Voula Stathopoulou (not verified) on 18 Feb 2008 #permalink