Central Park wildlife

tags: Central Park, NYC, tufted titmouse, image of the day Central Park Tufted Titmouse. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger view]. The photographer writes; On first glance you might think this Tufted Titmouse is perched as I did but the image actually captured the bird in mid-air. I cannot remember if it was rising from or descending to my palm though I think it was probably on the way down. If it was in the process of leaving it would most likely have had a piece of peanut clamped firmly in its beak. I had been dispensing a few morsels to a Northern Cardinal acquaintance and…
tags: Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, birds, Central Park, Image of the Day Give that bird a comb!! Male Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, in moult. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George [larger]. The photographer writes; As a writer I am loathe to use an exclamation point so my carefully considered use of two should give you an indication of the strength of my reaction when Papa Museum came out of the shrubbery on a last August afternoon. Wooo. Give that bird a comb!! He has since improved in appearance and is enthusiastically tending to his three fledglings. It is…