Einstein Alive

Learn about the theory of Relativity from Einstein himself! Interview by Engineering.com at the 2010 USA Science and Engineering Festival.
I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale.~Marie Curie Unfortunately sometimes in communicating the excitement of science to those that are not in science fields we somehow lose... well the excitement. To me, a new idea births a childlike curiosity and EXCITEMENT as it takes up residence in my brain and dances around. When I have a day like that, it is exhilarating.Today was one of those days where an observation turned into an idea…
The USA Science and Engineering Festival pulls out the stops to get the word out about the festival! This time the Festival has recruited none other than...Albert Einstein to promote the festival at Brain Awareness Week at the National Museum of Health and Medicine. Einstein talked about exciting scientific principles and got students excited about the USA Science and Engineering Festival that is going to take place in Oct 2010. About 800 students attended Brain Awareness Week activities at the National Museum of Health and Medicine over the course of the five-day program. Students were…