I had a bunch of quarters in my pocket. About six dollars worth, along with a couple of one dollar coins. I pulled all the change out of my pocket and placed it on a desktop. I walked away. A few minutes later, I went to grab the coins so I could bring them to my office and toss them in the coin jar. One of the coins, quarter or dollar I can not say, was standing on its edge. My hand was faster than my brain, so I grabbed all the quarters up, thus knocking down the standing coin. I was therefore unable to test the hypothesis that if you drop some coins somewhere and one stands on edge,…
Universe has a firm "No Skepticism" policy. Don't get me wrong, I dig empirical knowledge. And I like the ancient, Pyrrhonian school of Skepticism founded by Pyrrho of Elis (365-275 B.C.); Pyrrhonian skeptics believed that nothing could be known, not even "this" (i.e the very statement that nothing could be known) and strived for a constant state of inquiry as a source of pleasure. Since absolute knowledge is unattainable, the Pyrrhonian Skeptics felt that their end was: "In opinionatives, indisturbance; in impulsives, moderation; and in disquietives, suspension," which is essentially…
Obviously, Uri Geller is a fraud. Always has been. He had tricks he uses to make people think he's bending a spoon using super natural powers, or moving compass needles, etc. Mainly, he uses cheap tricks to fool gullible ready-to-be-fooled people. Don't be a ready-to-be-fooled person! Here's are three videos that are currently popular on YouTube regarding this. The first shows a typical Geller show: Here's James Randi talking about Uri Geller: Lately, there's been an obnoxous email being sent around to everyone by a person who as far as I can tell does not exist with the name of David…
Actually, I don't believe in "spooks," ESP, alien abductions, or much of the other paranormal rot that crops up so often this time of year, but apparently 24% of 1,013 polled adults do. While I take issue with surveys asking a relatively insignificant amount of people their opinion and then projecting those numbers on the whole of the population, I have run into many people who have some, erm, interesting ideas about rather ordinary phenomena. I've been told that cats can detect human souls, that saber-tooth cats were aquatic predators and bit their prey sideways, that there are living…