
"I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending." -Fred Rogers I know it's still the middle of November, but I know that many of you are already thinking about holiday gifts for the lovers of physics, astronomy and the Universe in your life. People send me books and other educational materials throughout the year for review, and although they all have good and bad points about them, I'm…
I go away for a week and the bees go mad. I don't mean so mad that they put their honey in a pot for me - only that they seem to have filled up the hive to the top, probably with rape. And this despite them being a new swarm, in place only since late May. That's 13 kg of honey (err, with wax mixed in of course, since the frames in the top super were foundationless, because I was in a hurry. They did not put their own comb neatly in rows). Also while we were away the houseleeks have come out into full flower, even better than last year. That one is unadjusted, but not really true colour.…
"A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting." -Henry David Thoreau Every day that we have free or leisure time, there's this great conflict as to how we spend it: working to better ourselves and improve our knowledge, and taking the time to enjoy our lives in whatever way we see fit. Sometimes, this goes horribly awry, as the B-52s would attest in their (relatively) new song, Funplex. But there's often no better way to combine these two pursuits than by reading a good book.…
Did you miss me? I've been to the Stubai, again. There will be a travelogue over there. Refs * A short walk in the Stubai: day 2: Aperer Turm
tags: Holidays, companion pets, parrots, humor, funny, gift wrapping Orpheus. Male Hawk-headed (red fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, April 2008. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I thought you might find this little essay amusing about wrapping gifts when there is a parrot in the house. How to Wrap Gifts with a Parrot in the House: Clear large space on table for wrapping your special gifts. Go to cupboard and collect bag in which gifts are contained, and shut the door. Open the door and remove bird from cupboard. Go to closet and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.…
How would you fancy a holiday to Greece or Thailand? Would you like to buy an iPhone or a new pair of shoes? Would you be keen to accept that enticing job offer? Our lives are riddled with choices that force us to imagine our future state of mind. The decisions we make hinge upon this act of time travel and a new study suggests that our mental simulations of our future happiness are strongly affected by the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that carries signals within the brain. Among its many duties is a crucial role in signalling the feelings of enjoyment we…
tags: Holidays, companion pets, parrots, humor, funny, gift wrapping Orpheus. Male Hawk-headed (red fan) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, April 2008. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [larger view]. I thought you might find this little essay amusing about wrapping gifts when there is a parrot in the house. How to Wrap Gifts with a Parrot in the House: Clear large space on table for wrapping your special gifts. Go to cupboard and collect bag in which gifts are contained, and shut the door. Open the door and remove bird from cupboard. Go to closet and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.…
This amusing essay is making the rounds on the intertubes (as usual) this year, so I had to share it with you. Ingredients: Turkey Stuffing Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes with Gravy Green Beans Cranberry Sauce Hot rolls and Butter Relish tray Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Hot Coffee Instructions: Get up early in the morning and have a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day, so place your parrot on a perch nearby to keep you company while you prepare the meal. Remove parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. Prepare stuffing, and remove parrot from edge of stuffing bowl and…
or E. coli, or perhaps a little Giardia (just to loosen things up, of course), or maybe even Herpes. All these scary pathogens become works of art, when Infectious Awareables puts the images on neckties. And what could be funnier than a pair of boxer shorts full of Gonorrhea?
Usually, I wait until the end of December to take care of holiday-related shopping and shipping. This year, I've resolved to do better. This year, I'm hoping to ship holiday gifts before Christmas. Fortunately, my SciBlings have come up with lots of great holiday recommendations to help you share science gifts with those you like and love. I've compiled some of those suggestions here and I'll keep adding new ones as the month proceeds and people post them. Before we indulge the material world though, I'm going to…
Image: orphaned. It seems that I am really having some strange but memorable Thanksgiving holidays in NYC. For example, since I arrived in NYC, I spent my first three Thanksgivings at a local natural history museum (whose name I am not allowed to mention on my blog) where I was employed as a postdoc, wandering among the ornithiscians and sauriscians while the last of the giant Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons were inflated outside the windows, floating on the breezes in a vaguely threatening way. Honestly, those three were the best Thanksgiving celebrations I've ever had. My next…