
"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today." -Dale Carnegie Our new Ask Ethan segment has been really popular, and the questions and suggestions keep pouring in. It's your Universe too, and if there's something you want to know about it, you should ask! (So keep it up!) This week's question is one of the biggest of them all, and it comes courtesy of John L. Ferri, who asks, I have a difficult time…
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe." -Carl Sagan The Universe is a lot like an extremely intricate cake. We view it today as a snapshot in time, now that it's complete. Image credit: Blogger user Hilly of http://makesbakesfakes.blogspot.com/. We can view the whole thing from one point of view, determined by where we happened to be located. But we can also look intricately inside certain sections of it, so long as we have the right tools. Image credit: Blogger user Hilly of http://makesbakesfakes.blogspot.com/. But if we truly want to…
startswithabang.com reader Andy has a great follow-up to his question on the Age & Size of the Universe, and asks: why does the CBR “appear” to come from a light sphere that “appears” NOW to be larger than the universe WAS when it first set off in a straight line on its 13.4 billion year trip??? The "CBR" stands for "Cosmic Background Radiation," and it refers to the (presently) microwave background. Here's why Andy's question is actually profound, and was known for about 20 years as either the homogeneity problem or the horizon problem. The problem is that, when we look up at the sky,…