
Remember how I told you all about a wonderful and delicious fish that you can eat guilt-free? Yeah, you remember. Well, just in case you end up with a nice tasty lionfish and have no idea how to cook it, here's a collection of recipes put together by The Lionfish Hunter himself. Bon appetit!
Most of the time, marine conservation entails convincing people not to eat the over-exploited seafoods they love. We tell people to stop eating the fried grouper sandwiches, spicy tuna rolls and shark-fin soup that they crave. Well, we don't have to avoid seafood altogether to help marine life - in fact, we should be eating more of it - so long as we eat the right species. There is a fish you can crave guilt-free and eat to your heart's content because eating more of it will actually help Caribbean reefs. No, I'm not kidding. What is the most ecologically responsible fish choice you can make…