
Just when I thought I had the LOLParrot market cornered, someone at I Can Has Cheezburger posts this awesome (and atheist) budgie giving the Great Big Kitteh in the Sky the proverbial smackdown (or wing-down?). Happiness chirp goes to Jake, who sent me this! Check it out under the fold. (thanks for the heads up on the budgie!)
Its been a while since I've posted some of my 'world-famous' (heh) LOLParrots. Pepper was squawkin' that I was neglecting his kin so here's my offering to appease him.
I had a mystical experience, and this is what came of it. (Pictures below the fold....)
From here.
Yeah so, I like to be silly sometimes. To check out my other LOLParrots, go here and here!
As you all know, I've been infected with the LOLVirus, symptoms manifesting as LOLParrots. The first three are a tribute to the LOLRus, who has fought nobly for his stolen bucket. Amazingly, across phyla, another poor creature feels his pain.
Ok, I tried to hold off, but this danged 'LOLCats' craze finally won me over to the Dark Side. It all happened when I *somehow* ended up at I Can Has Cheeseburger, the evil evil site that started it all (or was that Fark?), and when ostensibly just there to "see what all the fuss is about" I actually laughed out loud. A few times. Now, like most silly, inane, and ridiculous stuff, I was intrigued. How could something so stupid and simple elicit a laugh? Could you assign captions to anything and make it humorous (like some fellow bloggers did with creationist practioners?). So, bored and in…