
I really never thought of spiders as being "pretty" until I came across these two new species of peacock spiders discovered in southeast Queensland, Australia by Madeline Girard (graduate student from the University of California, Berkeley, who is specializing in peacock spiders). Peacock spiders are not only beautiful, they also engage in elaborate dances during courtship. According to a quote from Jürgen Otto (posted in Live Science), who was a co-author in the study, Skeletorus "looks dramatically different [from] all other peacock spiders known to date, making me think that this group is…
tags: peacock, Pavo cristatus, pug, streaming video This amusing streaming video shows what happens when a peacock and a pug meet -- in the pug's own backyard! [2:23]
Some of you may have noticed some changes to the front page of Sb and some new photos in the category sections, and I'm proud to say that one of my photos made the cut for this week under the Life Science section. Hence, I've decided to post the "full" version of the photo here. In case anyone's unfamiliar with the animal, it's an Indian Peafowl, Pavo cristatus, although not everyone could merely enjoy the aesthetics of the striking display of the male bird. Writing to Asa Gray, Charles Darwin once related; ...I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I…