
This is the first in a series of posts about art, the moon, and art on the moon. You would think this would be a fairly limited subject, but... Art on the moon has been happening for a long time. In 1969, a coterie of American contemporary artists devised a plan to put an art museum on the Moon. When NASA's official channels proved too dauntingly bureaucratic, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, David Novros, Forrest "Frosty" Myers, Claes Oldenburg, and John Chamberlain weren't deterred. Instead, they managed to sneak their "museum" -- in reality a minuscule enamel wafer inscribed with six…
...You use your research to create 3D portraits of a person out of carbon nanotubes. Then again, who doesn't love a NanObama? You can read about the process here. The artist, an assistant professor at Michigan University, has other nano-art at NanoBliss.Com. Here's one for you horny dogs out there: And, of course, here's one for me: Now that's more like it.