
Okay, I'll grant that visiting Second Life can seem a bit uncomfortable, especially at first, but it does open some new doors and present an alternative to travel. In flu season, virtual visits could be the next best thing to being there. (Yikes, that sounds like an ad. No more yahoo news for me!) Here's where you can attend ScienceOnline 2010 in Second Life ( The next excuse might be that you don't know how to use Second Life or what to do. Never fear. That's a solvable problem. I have a primer on attending a…
This month's edition of Medicine 2.0 focuses on connections. You'll learn how new technologies are empowering patients by connecting them with their own health records, connecting patients and paramedics with doctors, and connecting doctors with each other. Nothing connects like Web 2.0. Let's hit the Midway! Many submissions to this carnival certainly captured the carnival spirit. I had just become resigned to the notion of scouring the internet myself, looking for posts that would fit today's collection, when a couple of days ago, I was inundated with email submissions. Great! I thought,…