
As this goes live I’ll be heading to the airport, my purpose being to wing my way to Skepticon 7, where I’ll be speaking tomorrow on a little ditty I like to call The Central Dogma of Alternative Medicine. It’ll be fun, and I’m looking forward to it. However, in true Orac fashion, I haven’t finished the slides and outline for my talk yet, something I hope to do on the planes (there are no direct flights to Springfield, MO from here) and the 3+ hour layover I have to look forward to in Chicago. What this means is that I was busily tweaking my talk and making some slides last night instead of…
I don't recall if I've mentioned this before, but I will be speaking at Skepticon in November. (Holy crap, that's just over two months away. I'd better get my talk ready.) In any case, now's crunch time, the time of year when Skepticon's fundraising needs to go into high gear, given that the bills are coming due for the conference. So give. Give until it hurts. Or buy swag. Or both. And if you're planning on going, register now instead of later. You'll be glad you did.