Skeptics' Circle

Faster than a blink of an eye (well, not really, but it sure seems that way sometimes) another fortnight has flown by, meaning that it's time yet again for another meeting of that venerable blog carnival of critical thinking, the Skeptics' Circle. This time around, we have our first ever veterinarian hosting. I could make jokes about the Skeptics' Circle going to the dogs, but I'll exercise some rare self-restraint and refrain from doing so. (Oh, wait...) In any case, this time around, the 129th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is being held over at SkeptVet. Head on over and check it out.…
It's amazing how fast two weeks can slide by, but the 129th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching and will be landing Thursday, January 28 at The SkeptVet Blog. Blog-specific instructions for submitting your best skeptical blogging can be found here, while general guidelines can be found here. This is the first time we've had a skeptical veterinarian host; so let's try to get him some great material to help him do a bang-up job. And if you have some good woo related to veterinary or animals to send in, so much the better.
Yikes! How did I forget to plug the Skeptics' Circle? This time around, it's the Skeptics Circle #117: The Chiropractic Edition and it's here to readjust your subluxated skepticism. Or something. Either way, it's a hoot. I do fear one thing though. Mike Meadon referred to the Skeptics' Circle as "venerable." Back when a blogger named St. Nate started this whole thing and then a few months later handed it off to me, way back in 2005, I never would have ever thought that one day the Circle would be referred to as "venerable." God, I'm so old. Or my blog is. Or something. In any case, next up on…
Welcome to the meeting of the 43rd Skeptics' Circle! Good logic and critical thinking never hurt anyone, but bad logic, gullibility, and uncritical acceptance of questionable claims causes distress to small, furry animals. I'm not kidding! As proof, please consider the above picture (provided to me by Fern). Can you bear to live in a world where this cute puppy is sad? Wouldn't you rather make the puppy happy? Me, too. UPDATE: I'm not going to say the dog ate my homework, but this morning I found a half dozen (lightly chewed) posts that should have gone into the carnival last night. I…
The next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will be happening right here on Thursday, September 14. You can send links to your posts about pseudo-science, quackery, tales of the paranormal, urban (or suburban, or rural) legends, and critical thinking to me. I'd appreciate getting the submissions by 3 PM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, September 13.