Steve Mosher

Steve McIntyre claims: One version of the trick is used in IPCC TAR. In this version, Mann replaced post-1960 values of the Briffa reconstruction with instrumental values, then did a smooth, then truncated the Briffa reconstruction back to 1960. Post-1960 instrumental values affected the smooth by the arithmetic of the smoothing filter. Steven Mosher claims that the same "trick" was used in IPCC AR4. Arthur Smith investigated and shows that the 1960-truncated Briffa curve in AR4 was not padded with instrumental values, but rather with the mean of the adjacent existing values, exactly as…
Steve Mosher and Steve McIntyre have alleged that the stolen CRU emails prove that Keith Briffa had violated IPCC rules in when working on the 4th Assessment Report. They can't point to any particular IPCC rule and rely on a creative interpretation of an email from Jonathan Overpeck, which Mosher claims means that Briffa "should have no contact with other scientists outside of the IPCC process". Some of us might have just pointed out that this is an absurd interpretation, but Brian Angliss goes the extra mile and checks with Overpeck who tells him that "there is no restriction on IPCC…