
What will be the greatest discoveries and advancements science and engineering will bring us in the 21st century? Today through October 24, we will collect answers from people across the nation and display the everchanging wordle on our website. Click here to participate - it takes 5 seconds! Thank you for answering our last question: What is the greatest thing about being a scientist or engineer:
Here is the USA Science and Engineering Festival's newest Wordle based on responses to the question: "If you could make one new scientific discovery or invention, what would it be?" Keep your eyes open for our next question and keep the responses coming! To find out more about Wordles and to create your own clouds go to www.wordle.net
Answering: Who is Your Favorite Scientist or Engineer of All Time? A Wordle created from participants answers to "Who is your favorite scientist or engineer of all time? We asked for your input on our woordle a little while back and here is the result. Here is the wonderfully imaginative Wordle image created by our participant responses. Make sure to look out for our next Wordle question in a future blog post. To find our more about Wordles and to create your own word clouds, go to www.wordle.net