Kevin, MD, and Dr Val on Doctor Anonymous BlogTalkRadio tonight

Doctor Anonymous has a killer web radio show scheduled for tonight at 9 pm EDT with Kevin, M.D., and Dr Val Jones of Dr Val and The Voice of Reason blog at Revolution Health. (Got your name right this time, Val.)

Here's how to listen and participate in the accompanying chat.

According to the Good Doctor Pho:

We will be talking about yesterday's USA Today op-ed and how doctors can engage the media to better express relevant health issues from a physician's viewpoint.

Doc Anon really does a terrific job and I don't watch/listen/participate as much as I should - I even missed Sid Schwab and Doug Farrago from Placebo Journal.

If I we can get the PharmKid to sleep at a reasonable hour, I'll be there and available to shoot the bull.

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Thanks so much for the link - hope you can join the call tonight. We can talk about the time when I worked in the ER with a Dr. Smith. We had a good time introducing ourselves to very skeptical patients. :)