Dr Shelley Batts now Mrs Dr Shelley Batts!

Many readers of Terra Sig and the larger ScienceBlogs community likely remember former neuroscience graduate student blogger, Shelley Batts. Shelley originally launched Retrospectacle and she and I (and ~25 others) joined Sb in June, 2006, second wave. When she put the hammer down to finish her PhD at the University of Michigan (former home of Dr John Jacob Abel), she shut down Retrospectacle and joined forces with Steve/Omnibrain at Of Two Minds.

Shelley earned her PhD last December, headed off to postdoc at Stanford, and got engaged to her high school sweetheart, Luke Rumsey.

Well, while dialing up the ol' Facebook tonight, I learned that Shelley and Luke got married yesterday and are officially off on honeymoon. Shelley toughed it out after having broken her arm only about two weeks ago followed by surgery. Shell doesn't have any wedding pics up yet (and damn well she shouldn't!) but I thought I'd close with this nice one of the happy couple.

Congratulations to you both and all best wishes for a happy life together!

i-4c03f9a953e2dfd382f83b8a469aa7f9-Shelley and Luke.JPG

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Shelley, I use to enjoy Retrospectacle, though I confess to not following much of your recent blogging efforts. Congratulations and I wish you both well.... and i hope you don't read this until after the honeymoon is over


Shelley! May you have many happy parrots together!

H.R.H. Toodles and his Mom