Tet Zoo picture of the day # 8

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Given that it seems to be such an oh-so-fashionable thing to do in the blogosphere, I thought I may as well join the party and post random photos of some of my bookshelves. This collection is in the unsorted/random section of the library... clearly. Note the run of Palaeontology journals, Cogger's Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, Weidensaul's The Ghost With Trembling Wings, Gans' Biomechanics (awesome for amphisbaenians) and Berta & Sumich's Marine Mammals. The tail-tip of our pet roboraptor peeps in at the bottom...

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Darren, if I ever have a blog of my own I suspect the first picture I post will be of my bookshelves. So don't feel bad about jumping on the bandwagon.

By Grant Stanley … (not verified) on 02 Jun 2007 #permalink

The only book there that I have is 'Walking with Dinosaurs: The Evidence'. If it was my own book, I might have three copies too. :-)

Except for _Athlon_, those all look like the ink is still wet. C'mon, Darren, you can do better than that! Where are your Richard Carringtons? Swinton's?

By Dan Varner (not verified) on 02 Jun 2007 #permalink

Looks like someone reshuffled my bookshelves! Science book imps at work?

What is the functional morphology book in the right hand corner? and where can I get a copy?

By Grant Stanley … (not verified) on 03 Jun 2007 #permalink

What is the functional morphology book in the right hand corner? and where can I get a copy?

That is Functional Morphology in Vertebrate Paleontology, edited by J.J. Thomason. It has some goodies in it, like Witmer's original Extant Phylogenetic Bracket paper. Amazon and Alibris have used copies as low as...fifty-seven bucks. Ouch! Photocopying never looked so good.

[from Darren: I had a duplicate hardback copy that I (holds breath) GAVE to Mike P. Taylor]