Happy belated blogiversary!

August 1, 2004 was an auspicious day. From the hot, humid hills of eastern Kansas, a voice cried out and invited his nonexistent readership to "Check out my ActBlue list." The next day, this bloggish neophyte expressed his disgust at the rape, sodomy, and general abuse which went (goes?) on at Abu Ghraib.

Later that day he expressed his concern that global warming was killing sea birds, and speculated about how natural selection might factor into their ultimate response.

Two days later, on August 4, 2004, that young blogger's "Oy" signaled the beginning of a fight over evolution which catapulted him to a form of fame and a great job.

Thank you TfK, and thank you TfK's readers. Many happy returns.

We are still taking nominations for a new name for the house you helped build. The most creative option I've come up with thus far is "Thumbs for Kalimbas", but I'm sure you can do better (some of you already have!). Just remember that it has to fit the acronym "TFK". Thrilling prizes await!


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