Star Trek women, RIP

Eartha Kitt and Majel Barrett both passed away recently. Barrett has had a role in all of the Star Trek movies and series, including the forthcoming prequel.

Update: See comments below. I'm a moron.


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forgive my ignorance, but what star trek role did Eartha Kitt play??

From Eartha Kitt's wikipedia bio:

She had a voiceover as the voice of Queen Vexus on the animated TV series My Life as a Teenage Robot.

Perhaps that counts as a Star Trek role? That's the closest to Star Trek I can find, unless you count Catwoman.
Possibly you have her conflated with Nichelle Nichols? (Although they don't look that similar to me.)

I think I confused her role as Catwoman with Nichelle Nichols as Uhura (the logic presumably being that both are singers and actresses in campy TV shows, but who knows how the brain works). I'm a dolt.

Last thing I remember Earth Kitt in was Erik the Viking. She was definitely the better Catwoman!

I shall miss Eartha Kitt. Her version of "Santa Baby" is still sensually, smokin' hot after all these years. It can't be topped - sort of like Hendrix's version of "All Along the Watchtower."

Although my favorite Catwoman was Julie Newmar. In that skin tight black catsuit, heels and little cat ears. Oh my goodness!!

I hadn't heard about Majel Barrett though. In addition to her role as Nurse Chapel in the original "Star Trek", she also looked yummy as a saloon barmaid in "Westworld."

By ZacharySmith (not verified) on 29 Dec 2008 #permalink