Don Patton, Gerald Skoog, Hiram Sasser,

There are more questions for Don Patton than for Genie. He thinks evolution defenders are a bunch of liars. He also thinks that the Flintstones is a documentary. He's so far out that even other creationists reject his claims.

Cargill wants to talk with him about his research. Also wants to know how well the fossil record is filled in, which Patton tries to avoid answering.

Gerald Skoog knocks it out of the park.

Hiram Sasser, of Focus on your own the Family did well on the science part of ACT, so he's an expert. He's ready to overturn the Copernican model.

There's a fictional lawsuit that he and the ambulance-chaser before seem very worried about.

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By the way, thanks for the good work with the liveblogging.