Christopher Hitchens doesn't like Mother Theresa

For some reason, people are only now realizing Christopher Hitchens' distaste for Mother Teresa. It's like they started paying attention to the world a week ago.

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In other DIsco news:
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated.

What a bunch of pathetic wankers.


This is one of the things that Hitchens definitely gets right. Although to be honest I was very disappointed by "Missionary Position" because it was basically just this relentlessly vitriolic diatribe with a half-dozen or so facts propping it up. He could have done a much better job.

In other DIsco news:
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated.

What a bunch of pathetic wankers.

So you are saying they gone far past the Enlightenment in history? You are so generous.

Wow, they really are behind the times, aren't they. Next thing you'll know they'll have caught up with the fact that he has a pathological hatred of the Clintons. I've always suspected Bill got a date with a woman who turned Hitchens down back at Oxford. Either that or Hitchens figured out which side paid more in this decade.

There was a lot to criticize about Mother Teresa's administrative and medical knowledge, and her anti-contraception-anti-choice position too. But Hitchens isn't a credible critic.

By Anthony McCarthy (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink

"...itâs a shame there is no hell for your bitch to go to." ~ Hitchens

Oh Hitchens, what's wrong with you? Seriously, you forgot to mention the hypocritical, pedophile Pope deserves a spot alongside that insane, deluded cunt.

By fsereqwrfwef (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink

I really like the theory about Hitchens and Clinton back in the day Oxford. But, yeah, it was probably the money. It would be very interesting to see a plot of his income before and after he became a cheerleader for the War on Terror and the invasion of Iraq.

Never was there a more inappropriate name than the Discover Institute.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink

Of course, I mean the Discovery Institute.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink