Groundhog Scienceblog

I'm back from getting married, back from Brazil, back to work. Got my Twitter software working again, reading blogs, and am convinced that nothing has changed in the last month.

Are we still talking about "Don't be a dick"? Yes, and now we're talking about whether it's dickish to call the radical religious right "American Taliban." (Not really). Or whether it's dickish to burn a Quran (yes, among other things). PZ is still trying to explain and defend Crackergate. The asinine obsessions of scienceblogs and skepticblogs have become our national discourse.

Meanwhile, we're still talking about the Islamic center several blocks from Ground Zero. Still! Why does anyone care?

Anyway, I stuck my head above ground, saw my shadow, and hope to sleep through this time warp. Regularly scheduled blogging will commence eventually, but not on those topics, at least for the nonce.

More like this

Except, perhaps, for one wonderful development (your marriage), plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

By Involved1 (not verified) on 10 Sep 2010 #permalink

, and now we're talking about whether it's dickish to call the radical religious right "American Taliban." (Not really)

i think it trivializes the barbarism of the real taliban. i mean, that's a movement that the iranian gov. considers too extreme and crazy!