Video of Big Dog robot

Boston Dynamics' DARPA funded robot. Watch how it regains balance after being kicked and on slippery ice patches. Stunning! Via Gizmodo

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That's some dog. Amazing. I suppose it's even useful right now with that payload. Lots of situations where you'd care if it's noisy.

Good post.

I'm seeing visions of Sarah Connor Chronicles here. Amazing AI to handle the ice and snow etc. I'm sure a quiet motor and some possible weapons are in the future then we can turn the dogs of war loose in Afgan and Irag... Maybe air drop a few on N. Calif while we are at it. ;-)

By Itsmefrom here (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink

OMG. I almost feel sorry for it when it slips! I can't shake the anthropomorphic impulse here.

It's like a headless dog walking forwards and backwards at the same time-

Creepy and too cool.