Last SITN lecture: Tonight!

The last lecture of the Science in the News Fall lecture series is tonight at 7pm in the Armenise amphitheater.

Star Power: New Ways to Harvest Energy From Our Sun

I heard great reviews from people who were at the practice talk, so if you're in the Boston area and interested in alternative energy, come on by. If you're not in the area, don't fret, we'll be posting them online (eventually) too.

Check out the lecture on the Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation from week two:

2010 Fall Lecture 5.1 - The Laser Turns 50 from Science in the News on Vimeo.

Part 2: Using Lasers to transmit and store data (this is a really great explanation of how CD's and fiber optics work)

Part3: Recipe for a laser-made star

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