PalCast 13: Medicine, Communication, Quackery, and Death

Yes, the new PalCast is finally up. Get it through the feed or on iTunes. Perfect for 18min30sec car rides!


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Excellent Palcast. You are my hero.

By Catharine (not verified) on 19 Jul 2009 #permalink

I just downloaded it. As it turns out it was downloaded to the same directory as Dr. Crislip's Quackcasts, which included one called "podcast_13.mp3". Fortunately it was not overwritten because of the underscore.

Perhaps you should name the file "palcast13.mp3"?

I look forward to listening.

I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with Crislip. Bastard.

"Can't get into medical school..."


That comment was for the June podcast.