Happy Valentine's Day


This valentine totally wins the holiday!!! :) Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

By The Perky Skeptic (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

Dude! We totally have the same taste in granite counter tops!

Very nice.

One of my better parenting innovations was this: If you mix your pancake batter a little bit on the liquidy side and put it in a sports water bottle (with a squeeze lid), you can draw shapes in the pan with the batter. We've made pancakes shaped like planets, states, letters, and animals. If you drip in eyes, nose and mouth and let cook for a minute, then surround with more batter, you get a two-tone pancake.

Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day, Dr. Pal; since it started with heart-shaped pancakes and maple syrup, it must have been terrific.

Off-topic -- Will you be attending Skepics in the Pub this week? Any idea if Orac or the Blind Watchmaker is planning to come? I'm trying to clear my Friday afternoon schedule to get there.

Not sure yet...