Science podcasts heard 12 million times daily

Here's a site with a slew of podcasts about science, Earth & Sky: A Clear Voice for Science. I found it because a colleague in my department, Rosalyn Berne, was being interviewed about her book on Nanotechnology and Ethics. But there are tons more, including Michael Pollan, Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus (authors of the provocative "The Death of Environmentalism"), James Hansen on climate change, and on and on.

Oh, and if you want to track down more about nanotechnology and ethics and the whole gamut, here is The Power of Small, a forum discussion by some who tell us nano will save everything and others who tell us maybe that's not so true. (I still remain convinced that Steve Martin already has this one taken care of.)

I guess that makes this post a graphics-free, non-editorial informational alert only.


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