Making the perfect music mix: My song #3 is the free promo track for a remarkably good CD.

Song 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

1. Waterfall - James
2. Wake Up - Arcade Fire
3. Never Had Nobody Like You - M Ward

Very nice - and a free download since this was the promo track released for his CD (which is very good by the way). Stereogum says it nicely:

If you're curious about why Matt Ward would pick this particular song (from an album that sounds like it's got a lot of great songs) as the first promo MP3, consider the fact that it features Zooey Deschanel. She's got all the great She & Him buzz. And also all the great I'm marrying Death Cab For Cutie buzz. So much buzz! So of course the blogosphere will eat this track up. For those reasons, but also because it's just a solid primer on what M. does well: fuzzy and shuffling blues-bar guitars, char-burned vocals singing love lines in that down-home and retro sorta way, and a full plate of throwback in the pianos, the Mike Mogis production, the AM golden backing vocals. It's an upper, it's your first MP3 from Hold Time. It's here:

Oh yeah, listen to it (or download it) right here. That's three up tempo songs in the row for me - guessing the next one may be a little on the mellow side.

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I'm liking that M. Ward track! Adding in my #3:

#1 - 'The Great Defector' by Bell X1.
#2 - 'Weighty Ghost' by Wintersleep.
#3 - 'Let Me Be' by Xavier Rudd.

And here's mine (free stuff good).

1. Island in the Sun (weezer) *
2. I don't feel like dancing (scissor sisters)
3. Today's the Day (Aimee Mann) ; time for a mellow one methinks