Baby Beluga in Chicago

The alphabetically superior member of the Bleiman brother duo, Andrew (me), lives in Chicago, where he is lucky enough to have a truly world-class institution in the Shedd Aquarium. On Thursday last week, the Shedd's resident female beluga whale, Mauyak, gave birth to a plump 100lb. 5.5 ft calf. Shortly after the birth, the calf swam to the surface and took its first breath.

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Enjoy these videos of the birth and baby beluga swimming in the great blue fish tank.


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Simply amazing. I had the privilege of seeing the Belugas at the Georgia Aquarium a few weeks ago. One in particular -- a male named Nico -- went out of his way to keep us entertained. Such beautiful beasts. Thanks for the videos!

It is amazing to watch aquatic mammals give birth. The mother seemed very calm.
With the belugas so white and the water so dark, they almost look CG. Is that the curse of advanced technology - reality seems fake?

By Laughing Stone (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

Thank you for posting this! Beautiful video!

By kristen in montreal (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

So beautiful! At the Vancouver Aquarium a few years ago I believe a beluga was born but died shortly after- I hope this one makes it.

Wow. Amazing video. Thanks.

HB: Quite a few years ago -- 12 or so -- a baby beluga was born at Vancouver. I saw it when it was several months old. Hope that is not the one you mean.

Andrew: In Chicago you've also got a world class ape facility at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Gerry - I'm a member of the LPZ Auxiliary Board and spend a lot of time in the Regenstein Center. It's a great small zoo all around and one of the few free ones in the country.

This animals are sooo poor!

why can?t they be free?

@Dennis: How can you call them beast?!?!

It's hard to imagine there's corporations still harpooning these magnificent creatures for profit

We have a 3-week-old baby beluga in Vancouver Aquarium now. She is very cute. However, since her mom, Oila, is a firt-time mother and there's a possibility that up to 50 percent or more of first-time mothered calves don't survive,the Auarium staff are keeping a close watch on her.

omg that is sooo cute im doing a progect on belugas and that iss sooooooo adorabel and i hope that babby grew up to be a wonderful littel one
<3 lilly

By lilly gardner (not verified) on 09 Dec 2008 #permalink

So beautyfull ... thank a bit late but still ... very very nice . ;)